We Are Pleased to Present Our Foals

We are extremely proud and excited of what we have to offer to the public.
We do have waiting lists so please contact us on any pairings you are interested
in. We are expecting 36 foals in 2024. We completed the 2023 season with 31 foals.
2012 to 2022 were great years with a lot of nice foals put on the ground. The
foals have been selling quickly as weanlings and yearlings and we have kept
back some awesome prospects for ourselves. We are very happy with how our
breeding program is progressing. We have added the Iowa Quarter Horse Association
(IQHA)Ranch Horse Futurity incentive. All foals, starting with those born in 2022,
are eligible. Please talk to us more about this incentive. As per testing
requirements with AQHA we have done the 5 Panel Genetic Disease test on all our
stallions and have also done all the mares. We will update our website to disclose
that information as it becomes available to us. Genetic results will be available on all foals.
TRR Paddys Texas Gin aka
Tex is by Paddys Irish Whiskey and damsire of Tanquery Gin. We have
had 78 foals since 2009 and are expecting 6 more in 2024.They are
everything we hoped for--athletic, nice dispositions, good looking
and included some color dependent upon their mothers. Tex puts a
lot of muscles expression on his foals. The first 2-3 year olds were
started in 2012 and have done very well. They are pretty mellow and
very athletic and we’ve heard good things about them. Several are
being roped off. He has several offspring that making their way
into the barrel racing world and are running in the 2D and expected
to make pro level horses. We just continue to hear good things.
If he continues to produce like this, Tex will have a nice long
future as a sire on our ranch. Please check out
Tex's page for more
information on him and which mares he's bred to. We retained one
daughter being
Paddys Gin Fanta JW, who received her Certificate of
Ability in reined cowhorse and she is also a money earner. We are
now ranching on Fanta at home. We currently have 3 of his daughters
in our broodmare program with some new mares getting exposed for
the first time in 2024.
Whoop Up Whiskey is
our second son of Paddys Irish Whiskey with a different
bottom side to include Doc O Dynamite and Sugar Bars.
His first 55 foals (2014 through 2023) are more than
meeting our expectations. They are very stylish, elegant
foals that display extreme agility and trainability. We
have been very pleased during halter breaking and we
hear excellent things about them as they get started
under saddle and head on to their world jobs. So far
they have also all been born as friendly horses wanting
to engage with people. We have personally kept an own
daughter of his, Whiskey
Up Chinks JW, that is home and we are ranching on her,
along with
Whiskey Up Norway JW. We have retained 3 of
his other daughters for our broodmare band. We had a
full brother to Whoop named Hiline Whiskey aka Oak. We got
2 fillies from Oak but he unfortunately broke his leg in 2018.
Top Gun Whiskey is our fourth Paddys Irish Whiskey stallion with yet a
third different bottom side being a grandson of Playgun and a bottom bottom
to include Docs Oak and Bueno Chex. He has shown in AQHA and NRCHA and is a
NRCHA money earner. His first foals were born in 2019. He has had a total
of 20 foals (2019-2023) and we have retained 3 fillies for ourselves as prospects.
Jacks Our Bartender is a 2003 stallion that we purchased in
2017 from Hockenson Quarter Horses at Nichols, Iowa. Jack brings us a
Pitzer bred, Two ID Bartender, Two Eyed Jack combo pedigree and his moves mirror
our Paddys Irish Whiskey sons except that Jack is a larger horse. We are giving
our Paddys daughters and granddaughters to Jack as well as other good mares.
He has several proven riding and performing offspring out in the world prior
to our purchase of him. His first foals for us were born in 2018. We also
have 4 of his daughters in our broodmare band.
Walter O Rielly aka Radar is a perlino stallion we purchased in 2012.
For those of you who don't know, Walter O'Rielly is the name of the character,
nicknamed 'Radar', on the hit TV show, M*A*S*H. Our Radar is a grandson of
Ciderwood, great-grandson of Orphan Drift and Docs Jack Frost with a great
shot of Poco Bueno thrown in there through Poco Speedy, Poco King Tuck.
We have selectively bred some of our best mares to him starting with 2013 foals.
We have added several replacement fillies to add to our program. His stud colts
continue to make top geldings. We have started some ourselves and are hearing
good things about the others. One of our go to ranch horses is his 2014 daughter,
San Ella Drift JW, and we have started ranching on 2017 daughter
Sarafina Drift JW.
Radar has several proven riding offspring out in the world prior to our purchase of
him. His first daughter for us,
Sapa Hula Drift JW, had her first foal in 2017 and
continues to be an excellent broodmare for us. We have added several other daughters
of his to the broodmare bunch too.
Goldun Topsail aka Topper is a 2018 90% NFQHA dun stallion we acquired as
part of the package when we bought his dam, Whizzin Lena. His sire
is Jaz Poco Goldun, the most photographed or well-known grulla horse.
He is 95% foundation and 27% Poco Bueno. Topper was started under saddle
in 2020 and showed alot promise. His first foal crop came for us in
2021. He has had 8 foals for us (2021-2023). We are extremely pleased
with how his foals are built and their dispositions so far. We
are excited to hear more as they mature and are started under saddle.
JK Jay Reed aka Pine Cone is our
senior stallion that passed away winter 2019. Pine Cone was 96% Foundation
with a solid pedigree and was a super nice stallion to handle. His foals
are athletes with good feet, awesome dispositions and they really have
a lot of 'cow'. We don't think you will be disappointed with a Pine
Cone baby. The last 3 foals available from him were born in 2020.
His legacy will continue on with his daughters we have kept for our
program. They are excellent mamas producing foals for us and
crossing well on any of the other stallions that we have.
We retained three of our 2008 foals by Mr Salty Peponita as
replacement broodmares. To date
Mr Salty Peponita has had 10 performers. Please
check out his page for more information. Those mares
have all been ridden on the ranch.Peponita
Stareyed JW has become a main go-to horse for us and
she has now had her first foal in 2015. She continues to
produce outstanding babies no matter what stallion she is
crossed with, plus usually get some splashing colors.
Peponita Roan Bar JW had her first foal in 2014 and
continues to be an awesome producer.
Peponita Laceyed JW
has been used on the ranch as well as in our broodmare bunch.
We have kept a daughter and granddaughter from her and later
sold her to another home.
Our mare pages will show you ranch, cow, speed and versatility.
We have several mares that are higher percentage foundation
as well as speed bred mares. The Mr Salty Peponita (100%),
JK Jay Reed (96%), Walter O Rielly (91%) and Goldun Topsail
(90%) babies will give you a higher percentage foundation
foal package with the versatility to cut, rein, ranch,
ride, trail, pleasure, take care of the family, run and
breed when they’re done. Even the speed bred colts have
a strong shot of foundation bloodlines. We continue to
research the percentage foundation in our mares. The
Paddys Irish Whiskey sons and Jacks Our Bartender
stallions should add modern performance and athleticism to our foals.
We foal mostly mid-April to mid-May
with a few carrying over into June. We
feel that this foaling timeline gives
us better weather, more time and
facilities to handle the mares without
the cows interfering as much. The
mares milk better on green grass
and often our June foals size up
right along with the April ones.
Don’t overlook the younger foals.
In three years that age won’t make
a difference in how well they
ride and perform. If age is a concern
for you, give us a call and we can
discuss weaning, our feeding/nutritional
program, and foal development options with you.
There is more information about our feed business,
feeding program, and our
pelleted Woroniecki
Ranch All Around feed on the Our Program page.
All the foals will have been gently handled, dewormed
twice and will be used to eating a balanced protein/fiber/mineral/vitamin
ration alongside their mothers before weaning. We
will provide one 50 pound bag of our pelleted Woroniecki
Ranch All Around feed that they are used to eating and
additional bags will be available for purchase. The
foals may or may not be halter broke for in state travel.
For out of state travel they will lead and load, but will
not be recommended to stand tied or travel with ropes
or halters on them in the trailer. If you are not already
an AQHA member, you may get your own membership or we
will assess you an additional $65 one year membership
fee in order to do the transfer for your new purchase.
The papers will come to the new owner directly from AQHA.
We do require a purchase agreement and we will email you
an example purchase agreement upon request.
Thanks for looking and please call or email for
further information.
Jodie & Warren Woroniecki |
7075 28th St.
Hebron, ND 58638
[email protected] |