“Belle” is 91% NFQHA (F0032132). This is a beautiful mare in appearance and disposition. She is built solid, has only a few white forehead hairs and good black feet. Belle was a planned mating when our daughter reached 12 years old and was eligible to take a 4-H ‘colt to maturity’ project. Ella showed her at halter and demonstrated other basic skills as a yearling. Belle was started under saddle spring 2008, was shown in the 4-H two year old class July 2008, the 4-H three year old class July 2009 and the 4-H four year old class July 2010. She has been lightly patterned on poles and barrels and 4-H western riding and reining. She's had many hours behind cattle here on the ranch. Belle is a very kind mare and an energetic riding horse. She’s very quick, sure footed and a natural lead changer both in the arena and out in the hills. Whether you line her out to ride the pasture or put her in a circle in the arena, she stays where you put her until you are ready to stop and then ‘stop’ she does. This mare has all the moves to be a reiner or a reined cowhorse or wherever we point her. Ella completd her ‘colt to maturity’ classes until age 5-6, continued to pattern her in 4-H events, reining, poles, barrels and ranch on her. Since that time Belle has been a main ranch horse for us and there is not too much she cannot do. She is definitely a 'go to' horse.
We have had two full sisters to Belle---2008 Leta Reed JB has since been sold but 2009 My Kittys Melody JW is still in our broodmare bunch and producing great foals for us. Belle’s mother, My Little Kitty, was owned by Barbra Kennedy Johnson and was given to Ella. In 2009, we started offering foals sired by Belle’s sire, JK Jay Reed, to the public for sale. Belle is a great testament to her sire and siblings. We exposed Belle to Top Gun Whiskey for a 2020 foal and she had a bay filly, Top Gun Empire JW, whom we are retaining for our program. We exposed Belle to Walter O Rielly and she had a smoky black stallion, My Bluestem Drift JW. She is exposed again to him for a 2022 foal, but unfortunatley came up open. We turned her back in with Radar for a 2023 foal and she had a big palomino stallion, Bedrock Drift JW. Her 2024 foal is a buckskin filly we are keeping for ourselves, My Galaxy Drift JW. Belle is exposed to TRR Paddys Texas Gin for a 2025 foal.
Genetic 5 Panel Results