Paddys Gin Iris JW
AQHA 6096630

2021 Bay Mare
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 Heading to New Mexico!
Thanks Irvin! 

Born 8-9-21.  ‘Iris’ is bay filly with no white on her. This year our names are flower/tree/rangeland plants themed. It stuck when our first foal was born and we started calling her ‘Posie’ which means a ‘bunch of flowers’. So, we decided to go with it.

Iris’s dam, Sweet Watch Chic aka Chic, is 86% NFQHA (F0039291) She is a very nice and shapey mare.  We bought her mama, Miss Sweet Baron aka Jam as a wonderful addition to our program.  In the past we have had some nice older Two Eyed Jack/Pitzer bred mares that have niched really well with our Paddys Irish Whiskey stallions.  With those mares aging we spent the fall of 2016 researching and searching for replacement females that we felt would really step in and complement our program. Sweet Watch Chic’s grandsire is Two ID Sweet Jack who was born in 1994.  He himself was an AQHA World Show Qualifier four times and has shown in calf roping, heading and heeling.  He is an AQHA Performance Champion, has his ROM and has 330.5 points.  Sweet Jack is a son of two-time world champion Two ID Bartender making Miss Sweet Baron a granddaughter and Chic a great-granddaughter and the same applies on the bottom side with Mr Baron Bell.

Chic’s sire, Watch Mr Chic, is an amazing individual as well combining the TEJ/Pitzer lines with Smart Little Lena and Gay Bar King.  He has remarkable size at 15-3 for a Smart Little Lena/Smart Chic Olena bred horse.  According to his record and Tien Quarter Horses information he is an AQHA Champion with 375 total AQHA points in halter, heading, barrel racing, performance halter, heeling, pole bending, western pleasure, hunter under saddle and was a 10 Time World Show Qualifier.  Also, his dam, Watch Jo Tyree, was 3rd at the NRCHA Snaffle Bit Futurity.

Iris’s sire is TRR Paddys Texas Gin aka Tex. This is Tex’s 13th foal crop. He puts very thick and muscular foals on the ground with very nice muscle expression on them as well as a lot of athleticism and as they develop, they have a lot of vigor. The oldest ones have been started under saddle by various buyers and we are hearing good things from all of them. The Paddys Irish Whiskey horses are making a name for themselves in everything from cutting to cowhorse events to roping horses and are very versatile—Tanquery Gin, Doc O’Lena, Docs Starlight, Poco Tivio, Peppy San Badger.

Iris is a nice combination of bloodlines. We would expect this filly to mature to 14-3+. She should have the athletic ability to perform in or out of the arena.

$3000 (US)

2021 PRICING INCLUDES: Halter/lead rope, negative coggins, health, brand inspection, initial and booster vaccinations of EWT-Flu-Rhino, 1 bag of his current feed, AQHA transfer fee paid and halter training. This is a $250+ value included IN the price. Repeat and multiple horse buyers will be less.  If you are not already an AQHA member, you may get your own membership, or we will assess you an additional $55 one-year membership fee to do the transfer for your new purchase.

Genetic 5 Panel Results


TRR Paddys Texas Gin

Paddys Irish Whiskey
Peppy San Badger
Doc's Starlight
TRR Miss Bay Gin
Tanquery Gin
Right On Able Mable x Right On Tivio


Sweet Watch Chic

Watch Mr Chic
Smart Chic Olena
Watch Jo Tyree x Watch Joe Jack
Miss Sweet Baron
Two ID Sweet Jack
Lady Dudette Red x Mr Baron Red

Jodie & Warren Woroniecki


7075 28th St.
Hebron, ND 58638
[email protected]

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