Top Gun Sedge JW
AQHA 6096623

2021 Buckskin Stallion
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 Repeat Buyer
Thanks Jack! 

Born 6-1-21 ‘Sedge’ is a buckskin stallion with a  right hind pastern and a left hind triangle on the inside heel. This year our names are flower/tree/rangeland plants themed. It stuck when our first foal was born and we started calling her ‘Posie’ which means a ‘bunch of flowers’. So, we decided to go with it.

Sedge’s dam, Mujer Lucy Skip JW, is a beautiful buckskin mare with a frosted mane that is 83% NFQHA. She was purchased from Grantier Quarter Horses because her mare line is very close to several of our VERY PROVEN ranch horses. Mujer Tacky Jay, now deceased, made a name for himself producing using horses for the family, ranch, arena and youth. We really believe in these horse families. She has had 7 foals by TRR Paddys Texas Gin and they have not disappointed us. 2010 Paddys Gin Laredo JW , is now in Nebraska on a ranch; 2011 Paddys Gin Luke JW;  2012 Paddys Gin Skip JW is ranching and having a show career with Matt and Jessica Schlegel and Schlegel Horse Training in reined cowhorse. His maternal 2013 brother, Hokey Pokey Reed JW, also went to the Schelgals as all-around ranch horse and started very well. 2014 sister, Paddys Gin Sash JW, stayed with a family here in ND. 2015 Paddys Gin Bert JW went to Montana with a repeat buyer as well. Her 2017 foal, Paddys Gin Simba JW, has been purchased by our trainer, Matt and is now with Leslie Merck; 2018 Paddys Gin Chile JW is with a repeat buyer. Her 2019 & 2020 fillies are retained by us, Top Gun Mulan JW and Top Gun Guthrie JW. Both are full siblings to this guy.

Lucy is herself now a producer with the show record of Paddys Gin Skip JW and this made her an excellent established mare to give to Top Gun Whiskey by Paddys Irish Whiskey. Top Gun Whiskey is one of four Paddys Irish Whiskey sons that we have owned. This is his third foal crop. We decided to give Top Gun a shot at the show ring before breeding him. In 2016 he qualified for the AQHA World Show in Jr Reining, Jr Reining Level 2 and Jr Cowhorse Level 2; in 2017 he qualified for the AQHA World Show in Jr Cowhorse, Jr Cowhorse Level 2 and Open Heading Level 2 placing 6th.  It has been an interesting ride as he continued to show during the 2018 year as well as breed some of our mares for 2019 foals. Top Gun qualified for the 2018 World NRCHA show, was 2018 North Central Regional NRCHA Champion and has earned 47 AQHA performance points in reining, working cow horse, heading, vrh cutting, vrh confirmation, vrh reining and heeling. He also has his AQHA Open Performance ROM. Top Gun was injured during 2019 breeding season that cut his showing career short, but he still qualified for NRCHA Celebration of Champions in LTD Open Bridle. He was North Central Region NRCHA 4th place LTD Open Bridle and North Central Region NRCHA 9th place Open Bridle. Check out his stallion page for the most up to date information as we will change it as it happens.

Sedge will have all the right moves and ‘cowiness’ to make an excellent performance, ranch, or rope horse. He will be a dynamo package with a good disposition.

$3500 (US)

2021 PRICING INCLUDES: Halter/lead rope, negative coggins, health, brand inspection, initial and booster vaccinations of EWT-Flu-Rhino, 1 bag his current feed, AQHA transfer fee paid and halter training. This is a $250+ value included IN the price. Repeat and multiple horse buyers will be less.  If you are not already an AQHA member, you may get your own membership or we will assess you an additional $55 one year membership fee in order to do the transfer for your new purchase. 

Genetic 5 Panel Results



Top Gun Whiskey

Paddys Irish Whiskey
Peppy San Badger
Doc's Starlight
Misty San Badger x Peppy San Badger


Mujer Lucy Skip JW

Mujer Tacky Jay
Caballero Mujer x Beau Bar Mujer
Miss Rovin Tacky x Rovin' Jet x Jet Deck
Miss Lori Jay
Buck Dew Jay x Daves Jay
Lori Darn Jay x Dewesun

Jodie & Warren Woroniecki


7075 28th St.
Hebron, ND 58638
[email protected]

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