Born 5-9-12. We are very thrilled with this filly. ‘Swiss’ is a darker buckskin with a star and no other white. We were a little uncertain if she was bay or buckskin so we had her color tested and she is Aa, Ee and NCr with one copy of the cream dilution. Her mother is one of our Mujer Tacky Jay fillies daughters and she is turning out to be a great mother. Mujer Johny Bar JW aka Johny is 81% NFQHA and was purchased from Grantier Quarter Horses as a weanling. Mujer Tacky Jay, now deceased, made a name for himself producing using horses for the family, ranch, arena and youth. Joy Night Jay has all the proven Grantier bloodlines that we know well in many of our proven saddle horses. To Little Johny went back to a lot of greats such as Poco Bueno, Depth Charge, Leo, Chicaro Bill, Chief by Peter McCue and Joe Hancock. We really believe in these well established horse families. Swiss’s sire is JK Jay Reed aka Pine Cone, a 96% foundation bred stallion with Poco Pine, Continental King by King P-234, Joe Reed II and Whiskey Bert all on his papers. Pine Cone has King P-234 fairly close up and goes back to him six times. Swiss is 88.5% foundation eligible with the NFQHA and will be able to go any direction from trail to ranch horse with plenty of ‘cow’ and stoutness for roping as well. Her lines will also give you plenty of speed. JK Jay Reed offspring have wonderful dispositions. Her 2010 full sister, Miss Norway Reed JW, went to Oklahoma and 2011 Queen Amidala Reed is here with us on the ranch. She is 10.01% King P-234 and goes to him 11 times. Both dam and sire are HERDA N/N so Swiss is also N/N.
UPDATE 10-11-12. Beautiful dark, dark buckskin filly. I think we are going to regret that we've sold this one. She is so sweet and halter broke so easily. Her mama is quickly earning her way to being one of our top mares and is bred back the same way for 2013. Swiss is headed to North Carolina after weaning to join some of our other horses there. Thanks again, Michael!
2012 PRICING INCLUDES: Value for negative coggins (test costs + 140 mile round trip to vet for testing); health; brand inspection; initial and booster vaccinations of EWT-Flu-Rhino; 1 bag of our Woroniecki All Around pelleted feed; halter/lead rope; paid AQHA transfer. North Dakota, repeat and multiple horse buyers will be less.
$1100 (US)