Paddys Gin Allana JW
AQHA X0699219

2011 Bay Mare
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 AT FLYING O HORSES IN ND! Thanks Bonnie! 

Born 5-24-11.  We’ve been having fun with using Star Wars names for some of our foals this year.  Allana is not one of the traditional older Star Wars names but it’s in the books and we really like it.  The name has class, style and will be memorable just like we see this filly being.  ‘Allana’ was awaited with great anticipation this year.  She is out of one of our Docs Flying Peppy daughters, Docs Dolly Expert aka Dolly.  Docs Flying Peppy was sired by Doc’s Flying Bar x Doc Bar who stood at Texas A&M University.  Dolly is one of our top mares producing athletic babies with speed, style and a tremendous amount of cow.  She is an appendix mare with Doc Bar on her papers, Mr San Peppy just once off and also going back to Jet Deck top and bottom through Jet Smooth and Shujet.  Her maternal grandsire was Deckabo (SI 102).  Dolly’s mother was an awesome mare that was a broodmare, working ranch mare, excellent teacher for our youngest son as a ranch, 4-H and family rodeo horse.  She passed away this past winter and will be sorely missed here on the ranch.  Allana’s sire is TRR Paddys Texas Gin aka Tex, by Paddys Irish Whiskey.  She is in fact Tex’s first appendix foal.  She appears in her early pictures to have just the right balance between femininity and muscle expression.  The Paddys Irish Whiskey horses are making a name for themselves in everything from cutting to cowhorse events to roping horses and are very versatile.  Allana has a larger white star and both rear white ankles.  This will be a nice top notch horse with the much sought after cowhorse/speed combination pedigree.  We’d sure love reiners and reined cowhorse folks to take a serious look at her and she sure should have the ability and speed to get her butt in the ground and find her way around the poles or barrels.  Please look at Dolly’s page for information on Allana’s siblings.  If you are looking for a broodmare down the line, we would highly recommend her as her mare line is very solid. 

UPDATE 3-4-12.  Allana is a nice stout filly with a very feminine look.  She halter broke extremely well.  She will be going to the Flying O Ranch later this week.  We wish Bonnie great success with her.

UPDATE 7-4-14. Allana was purchased from Flying O Ranch by Clint & Heather Diede family from Richardton, ND. She will be ranch started by them and their daughter Carly. Allana will have a future as a ranch and rodeo performance horse. We look forward to seeing Allana and Carly in the future. Thank you to Flying O Ranch and Diede Family for their permission to use this photo of Carly and Allana. 


TRR Paddys Texas Gin

Paddys Irish Whiskey
Peppy San Badger
Docs Starlight x Doc Bar
TRR Miss Bay Gin
Tanquery Gin x Doc O Lena
Right On Able Mable x Right On Tivio


Docs Dolly Expert

Docs Flying Peppy
Doc’s Flying Bar x Doc Bar
Miss Sizota Smooth
Expert Dolly
Deckabo (SI 102)
Exacta Doll x Experteeser (TB)

Pictured as a Yearling
Pictured as a Yearling

Jodie & Warren Woroniecki


7075 28th St.
Hebron, ND 58638
[email protected]

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