Obi Wan Kenobi Reed
AQHA 5411162

2011 Black Stallion
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Thanks Brent! 

Born 5-8-11.  We are having a little fun with Star Wars names for some of our foals this year.  WOW—what an awesome 2011 stud colt. Solid black, built just right and with a super nice cowhorse pedigree.  We can’t decide if we will call him Obi Wan or Kenobi—leaning toward Obi Wan.  Feel free to offer your opinions.  His sire is JK Jay Reed, a 96% foundation bred stallion with Poco Pine, Continental King, Joe Reed II and Whiskey Bert all on his papers.  His dam, Blondy Bueno, is cutting bred with Doc Bar, Bueno Chex, Peppy San and Tianna Leo x Leo on her papers.  This colt is 88.5% foundation eligible with the NFQHA.  Blondy is a palomino and produced a smoky black filly, Bueno Macy Reed JW, in 2010 that is carrying the cream gene.  We will be testing Obi Wan for the cream gene also.  His dam and sire indicate that he will be an athlete with a kind disposition.  We expect him to mature at about 14-3.  We are waiting for color testing results and for Obi Wan to fill out a little more before we price him.  $1300 (US)

UPDATE 1-7-12.  Obi Wan continued to be one of our top four stud colts all along.  He's been a very laid back colt.  In late summer he shed off to have some browner areas in his muzzle and around his eyes.  As the fall and winter progressed, he got blacker and blacker.  Obi Wan is staying in North Dakota where eventually he might see some roping.  Thanks Brent and good luck with him.

JK Jay Reed

Shadow Ridin Pine
Pine Feathers x Poco Pine
Kings Katie Rose x Continental King
Christine Naugher
Whiskey Bert x Joe Reed II
Senorita 112 x Senor San


Blondy Bueno

Marlins Bueno Joe
Docs Marlin x Doc Bar
Sheys Doc Chex x Bueno Chex
Haste Chloe
Positively Peppy x Peppy San
Holey Debonaire x Holey Sox Jr

Jodie & Warren Woroniecki


7075 28th St.
Hebron, ND 58638
[email protected]

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